I SAMUEL 10:21
The lives of King Saul and King David, first and second kings of Israel, are a study in contrasts. Oh to be sure, there are some similarities. They were both handsome, had loyal followers, and were excellent military leaders. It ends about there, though. Saul wanted to look good in front of the people, and he would do anything to preserve his image in front of them. David wanted to follow God, and he would do anything to preserve his relationship with Him. Here are a few examples:
- Saul sought to murder David (I Samuel 19:1); David extended mercy to Saul. (I Samuel 26:7-25)
- Saul broke promises (I Samuel 18:19); David kept promises. (II Samuel 9:1)
- Saul relied on human strength (I Samuel 17:11); David relied on divine strength. (I Samuel 17:45-47)
- Saul was cruel (I Samuel 22:11-29); David was kind. (II Samuel 9:1-13)
- Saul lied (I Samuel 15:10-31); David confessed. (II Samuel 12:13)
- Saul's kingdom did not endure (I Samuel 13:14); David's kingdom is eternal. (II Samuel 7:16)
- Saul hid behind the baggage (I Samuel 10:22); David left his baggage with the baggage keeper and ran to the battle line. (I Samuel 17:22)
- Personal belongings packed in suitcases for traveling; luggage.
- The portable equipment of an army.
- Past experiences or long-held ideas regarded as burdens and impediments.
These definitions say it all: we carry a lot of our "stuff" around with us, both physically and emotionally.
PHYSICAL BAGGAGE: Whole industries have been created to make it easier to travel with our things. We roll suitcases to hoist into the trunk of our car, but now that is not enough space, so we have carriers on the tops of our cars and trailers to hitch behind our cars for all the rest of our gear. Airlines have weight limits for our baggage because we pack so much stuff to take with us, and even though they have started charging us for each bag, we fuss and complain but still drag it along with us. Then when we return home and unpack, we hide behind our things: the neighborhood we live in, the cars we drive, the jewelry and clothing we wear, the careers we are building. Keep up appearances takes a lot of time, effort, and money; it's exhausting!
EMOTIONAL BAGGAGE: We have all heard the term "emotional baggage". Some of us are so wrapped in our wounds of the past that they are visibly evident for all to see. To be sure, many horrible wrongs have been done to us that are valid and completely unjustified. It is what we do with those wrongs over time, however, that define us. David was able to leave his baggage with the baggage keepers. God Himself is our ultimate baggage carrier because we can daily come before Him to confess the wrongs we have done. He is so faithful to remove our sins and heal our wounds!
If we have deeper hurts that need unraveling, however, whether from our own mistakes or from harm done to us by others, pray for Him to encircle you with a trustworthy Christian counselor, mentor, friend, small group and/or pastor. There are amazing men and women of God being used to help free us from our heavy burdens. David later honors those who must stay by the baggage. "For as his share is who goes down to the battle, so shall his share be who stays by the baggage; they shall share alike." (I Samuel 30:24) Don't hide any longer. Expose it to the light. God want you to be set free so you can run to the battle line and use it for His glory to set others free!
How about you? The first question to ask is: Are you carrying around unwanted baggage? If the answer is yes, then the second question is: "Do you wish to get well?" (John 5:6). Jesus asked this very question to a man who had been in a paralyzed condition for 38 years, which means it is never too late to be healed. Don't be a victim but be victorious. Lighten the load. Seek help today. Run the race with no encumbrances.
"The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen."-Elisabeth Kubler-Ross